Hviezda seriálu Plný dom o útoku v Manchesteri: Bol som pár metrov od štadiónu

John Stamos sa v čase výbuchu po koncerte speváčky Ariany Grande nachádzal v neďalekom hoteli.

25.05.2017 00:00
John Stamos Foto: ,
Herec John Stamos.

Herec John Stamos (53), hviezda seriálu Plný dom, sa v čase útoku v Manchesteri nachádzal len 800 metrov od štadiónu, kde sa konal koncert speváčky Ariane Grande. O svojich pocitoch po útoku, ktorý sa odohral tak blízko pri ňom, napísal na Instagram. „Stále musím myslieť na tie deti, ktoré si chceli na koncerte len užiť zábavu. Zlomilo mi to srdce.“

Americký herec sa nachádzal práve vo svojej hotelovej izbe, keď nastal výbuch.

Následne zverejnil záber, na ktorom sa deň po útoku policajt rozpráva s malým dieťaťom na lavičke. „Tento záber ma ubezpečuje v tom, že spolupatričnosť a láska zvíťazí nad nenávisťou.“

As I sit in my hotel room, less than half a mile from the attack, I can’t help but think of these young kids who just wanted to go to a concert and sing and dance and be taken away if just for the night. I was one of those kids doing the same when I was young hanging out at Beach Boys shows. The songs may be different… but it’s the same joy those young kids felt Monday night in Manchester. Concerts are one of the greatest experiences in life— they are enduring symbols of freedom and liberty. You cheer, you sing, you dance. You leave exhausted and exhilarated at the same time. You remember every show you attend. They’re all special. I think of all those parents who surprised their kids with tickets and my heart aches. I think of all those fans and how important that show was to them. My heart aches for the victims, their families and music fans everywhere. I couldn’t sit in my room any longer, so I got out and started walking around near the arena thinking... How do we explain this to kids? How do you make sense of such a horrific tragedy? For a moment, I was comforted by the sight of a police officer comforting a young child (see pic). It reminded me that compassion and love will always conquer hate. I will play with The Beach Boys tomorrow night in memory of all those we lost and as a prayer for the strength to carry on in these troubling times. Manchester will be in my heart now and always. - JS

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