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Oslňujúco elegantná Kate a špekulácie o jej tehotenstve? Tu je jej odpoveď

Vojvodkyňa Kate prekvapila deti! Zavítala na návštevu do detského centra "Sunshine House" v Londýne, aby sa stretla s jeho malými, ale aj väčšími obyvateľmi.

20.09.2019 16:00
debata (1)

Svojou prítomnosťou prišla podporiť ľudí z centra starajúcich sa aj o mladé ženy, ktoré sa stanú matkami a dostane sa im práve na tomto mieste podpory.

Vojvodkyňa Kate počas návštevy centra pre deti... Foto: Reuters, POOL
Kate Vojvodkyňa Kate počas návštevy centra pre deti a matky v Londýne.

Trojnásobná mama, ako vždy s úsmevom na tvári, prišla do centra v oblečená vo veľmi elegantnej kombinácii čiernej a bielej. Zvolila bodkovanú blúzku značky Equipment v hodnote 224 libier, ku ktorej skombinovala čierne široké nohavice a čierne lodičky. Čo však neušlo britským médiám bola skutočnosť, že manželka princa Williama vystavila na obdiv svoj ultra štíhly driek – čím zrejme médiám poskytla odpoveď na tak sledovanú otázku jej štvrtého tehotenstva.

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To further her research and engagement with the Early Years sector, The Duchess of Cambridge visited Sunshine House Children and Young People’s Health and Development Centre to meet with the Southwark Family Nurse Partnership team and highlight the valuable work that they do. Swipe to see more about their work: 2-3. The Family Nurse Partnership (FNP) is a voluntary home visiting programme for first-time parents aged 24 and under. Parents are partnered with a specially trained family nurse who visits them regularly, from early pregnancy until their child is two. The Duchess met the team at Sunshine House to discuss the FNP programme and its impact on clients and communities, and hear more about the strategic direction and development of the programme in England. 4-5. The Duchess met mothers who have been through the FNP programme to understand how the programme has helped them and their children. The programme supports young mums to have a healthy pregnancy, improve their child's health and development, and reach their goals and aspirations. Multiple rigorous evaluations show it has a long-term positive impact on child outcomes. FNP is delivered in around 70 areas across England and each local team is made up of specially trained family nurse supervisors, family nurses, and quality support officers. 6-7. FNP in Southwark is delivered by Evelina London, of which The Duchess is Patron. As part of Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, Evelina London is a major children’s hospital and provider of community services. From health visitors and school nurses to specialist treatment for children with long-term health conditions, Evelina London’s community services care for children and families across the boroughs of Lambeth and Southwark — thank you to everyone that came out to greet The Duchess of Cambridge today! Kensington Palace / PA

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Kensington Palace (@kensingtonroyal),

Špekulácie o ďalšom potomkovi sa začali množiť aj potom, čo sa pred vyše týždňom 37-ročná Kate objavila na otvorení záhrady určenej pre deti s názvom „Back To Nature“ v grófstve Surrey. Vtedy sa jej bruška dotkla britská televízna moderátorka a autorka kuchárskych kníh, 84-ročná Mary Berry, čo mohlo vzbudzovať dojem, že vie o „veľkom tajomstve“ vojvodkyne Kate. Aktuálny outfit sympatickej členky kráľovskej rodiny však tieto špekulácie opäť poprel. Jej driek nemohol vyzerať štíhlejšie.

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The Duchess of Cambridge met the Southwark Family Nurse Partnership (FNP) team to find out more about their work supporting young parents. During her visit The Duchess met mothers who have been through the FNP programme to understand how the programme has helped them and their children. Among the parents The Duchess met was Amina, who was supported by the FNP team during the first two years of her three-year-old daughter Ramira’s life — on the support she received, Amina said: “When I was pregnant with Ramira my nurse Debbie helped me find suitable housing. When Ramira was born she would regularly visit us and we attended classes together at my local children’s centre. She also provided lots of guidance when I was weaning Ramira and even supported me when I took Ramira on holiday to America. Debbie has constantly been there for Ramira and me. I’m very thankful for the support I received from the Evelina London FNP. It’s given me the confidence and knowledge to be an even better parent to Ramira.” Click the link in our bio to find out more about The Duchess’s visit.

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Kensington Palace (@kensingtonroyal),

Kate svojou návštevou podporila centrum, ktoré sa o mladé matky a ich deti stará od svojho založenia v roku 2007.

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