Slávna plus size modelka je už mamou! Dieťa porodila doma

Britská modelka Iskra Lawrence (29) priviedla v čase pandémie na svet svojho prvého potomka.

20.04.2020 12:30
Tehotná modelka Iskra Lawrence na cenách... Foto: ,
Tehotná modelka Iskra Lawrence na cenách Glamour Women of the Year Awards.

Slávna plus size modelka potvrdila príchod dieťatka na svet v nedeľu na Instagrame. Dieťa prišlo na svet v domácom prostredí. Modelka dodala, že cíti silný ochranný inštinkt a chce si dať pauzu od sociálnych médií, plánuje sa zamnerať na svoju úlohy matky.

Pozrite si tento príspevok na Instagrame

I have no idea how to even think right now let alone “do an announcement post” but I feel so close to so many of you - you’ve been my online fam for so many years and I’m beyond overwhelmed to tell you baby P has arrived and Me and daddy @philipapayne are taking time to be in awe that we are now a family of three and when I’m ready I cannot wait to share more details with you all on my home birth and this tiny human that we love beyond measure. I cannot thank you all enough of the love and support through this journey. During quarantine I made lots of content I’m still excited to share and knew that when baby arrived I’d want to take time off, so I have scheduled some YouTube videos like the one today about all my fave maternity dresses so you can have some glam options during pregnancy. And I’ll be uploading 2 baking videos too including my official banoffee pie that you’ve been asking about hehe. Thanks for reading all of this, we are all safe and well and just in heaven - it’s going to be a huge decision to figure out how much to share online with millions of people and as you know most of you have shown nothing but kindness but we also have received death threats and hate so I’m feeling super protective and never want my baby to feel like we over exposed them and they never got the choice whether they wanted intimate details or photos shared - so it’s new territory because I’m very open with you all about many aspects of my life and health etc... so thank you again sending you all so so much love ❤️❤️❤️

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Iskra ✨ (@iskra),

„Keď budem pripravená, tak sa s vami podelím o dalšie detaily môjho domáceho pôrodu a takisto o informácie tom človiečiku, ktorého milujeme a na ktorého sa chceme zamerať. Nemôžem vám dostatočne poďakovať za lásku a podporu na tejto ceste.“

Dieťa porodila svojmu partnerovi, Philipovi Payneovi, s ktorým tvorí blond bacuľka pár 17 mesiacov. Počas celého tehotenstva sa prihovárala a svoje pocity zdieľala s fanúšikmi na Instagrame, ktorých má 4,6 milióna.

Iskra Lawrence sa stala mamou len pár mesiacov potom, ako svoje prvé dieťa priviedla na svet iná slávna bacuľka, Američanka Ashley Geraham. Tá sa stala mamou v januári, kedy priviedla na svet svojmu manželovi, Justinovi Ervinovi, syna.

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