Sexi zábery Jennifer Anistonovej rozpálili aj jej ex!

Rok pred päťdesiatkou vie slávna hviezda stále predviesť pózy, pri ktorých sa tají dych. S takým telom to ide ľahko!

12.08.2018 00:00

Aktuálne vydanie magazínu InStyle ozdobila aj 49-ročná herečka Jennifer Aniston. K rozsiahlemu rozhovoru sa slávna hviezda nechala aj nafotiť. Pre magazín tak vzniklo niekoľko naozaj skvelých záberov, na ktorých Jennifer priam žiari.

Jennifer Aniston has dealt with the tabloids for her entire career, but lately it seems relentless. “The misconceptions are ‘Jen can’t keep a man,’ and ‘Jen refuses to have a baby because she’s selfish and committed to her career.’ Or that I’m sad and heartbroken,” she tells dear friend @MMcNearney in our September cover story. “First, with all due respect, I’m not heartbroken. And second, those are reckless assumptions. No one knows what’s going on behind closed doors. No one considers how sensitive that might be for my partner and me. They don’t know what I’ve been through medically or emotionally. There is a pressure on women to be mothers, and if they’re not, then they’re deemed damaged goods. Maybe my purpose on this planet isn’t to procreate. Maybe I have other things I’m supposed to do.” | Photographed by @BenHassett; Styled by @JuliaVonBoehm

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V rozhovore okrem iného odznelo aj jej vyjadrenie na adresu mužov. "Je to šialené,“ opísala. „Tie informácie, ako si Jen nevie udržať chlapa, ako Jen nemá dieťa, lebo je sebecká a sústredená na kariéru. A ešte, aká som veľmi zlomená. Prosím, majte trochu rešpektu, nie som zlomená.“

Na záberoch zlomená či nešťastná rozhodne nevyzerá. Skôr naopak. Zábery sú sexi, vtipné a ženské. A dostali aj jej expartnera, Justina Therouxa, s ktorým sa herečka rozišla vo februári po siedmich spoločných rokoch.

Ako informuje Hollywood Life, Justin Theroux po zhliadnutí záberov zahorel túžbou po svojej ex. „Uvidel tie zábery a zostal z nich hotový. Ovláda ho veľká túžba,“ opísal zdroj pre spomínaný magazín.

Ako však v rozhovore pre InStyle uviedla sama Jennifer, ona sa aktuálne koncentruje na niečo iné, nie na lásku. „Sústreďujem sa na moju prácu, priateľov a moje zvieratá. A možno aj na to, ako by som mohla urobiť tento svet lepším.“

In the age of reboots, would Jennifer Aniston revisit Friends? “Before that show ended, people were asking if we were coming back. Courteney and Lisa and I talk about it. I fantasize about it. It really was the greatest job I ever had.” So there’s hope? “I don’t know what it would look like today, but you never know. So many shows are being successfully rebooted. I know Matt LeBlanc doesn’t want to be asked that question anymore. But maybe we could talk him into it. If we give it some time, Lisa, Courteney, and I could reboot The Golden Girls and spend our last years together on wicker furniture.” Read her full cover interview with @MMcNearney at the link in bio. | Photographed by @BenHassett; Styled by @JuliaVonBoehm

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